Pizza fuels hands on meet up

Earlier this week on a sunny Manchester morning I hosted our second ‘meet the devs’ GPFS user group session. In February we met in London and had a very open discussion with a short demo. This session had different attendees in a different city, with different food and a different focus.

Our focus was hands on testing of the upcoming 4.1.1 release and specifically the protocol related work done in the UK. After some minimal slideware all attendees were provided some hardware and a GPFS development engineer. This was following pizza and coffee, which meant everyone was energised and ready.

What did we all learn? You can’t plan for fire alarms and using laptops for a demo to run virtual clusters with no network can be challenging! Enough said.

Continue reading “Pizza fuels hands on meet up”

GPFS UG Agenda Available

GPFS UG 2015 Announced

We are pleased to announce the 2015 GPFS User Group Meeting agenda for Wednesday 20th May.


10:00 arrival for 10:30 start

  • 10:30 Introductions & Committee Updates – Jez Tucker, Group Chair & Claire Robson, Group Secretary
  • 10:35 Keynote – Doris Conti, Director, Spectrum Scale (GPFS) and HPC SW Product Development
  • 10:50 4.1.1 Roadmap / High-level futures – Scott Fadden
  • 11:40 Failure Events, Recovery & Problem determination – Scott Fadden
  • 12:00 Monitoring IBM Spectrum Scale using IBM Spectrum Control (VSC/TPC) – Christian Bolik
  • 12:30 Lunch
  • 13:00 User Experience from University of Birmingham & CLIMB – Simon Thompson
  • 13:20 User Experience from NERSC – Jason Hick
  • 13:40 AFM & Async DR Use Cases – Shankar Balasubramanian
  • 14:25 mmbackup + TSM Integration – Stefan Bender
  • 15:10 Break
  • 15:25 IBM Spectrum Scale (formerly GPFS) performance update, protocol performance and sizing – Sven Oehme
  • 16:50 Closing summary – Jez Tucker, Group Chair & Claire Robson, Group Secretary
  • 17:00 Ends

All attendees are invited to attend:
19:00 Buffet and drinks at York National Railway Museum


Acomb Suite
York Racecourse Hospitality
York Racecourse
YO23 1EX
United Kingdom

All members must register in advance to attend the meeting. Please email Claire Robson, GPFS UG Secretary with your name, job title, organisation, telephone number and any dietary requirements.

Spectrum Scale (GPFS) User Group GPFS: Meet the Devs #2

The second Meet the GPFS Developers ‘coffee shop’ meet has been announced, ahead of the major GPFS UG meeting on 20th May.

The day will give members the opportunity to meet the developers and get hands on beta exploration and test of unreleased GPFS functions.

Date: 28th April 2015
Time: 10:30 – 15:30
Location: IBM, 3rd Floor, Maybrook House, 40 Blackfriars Street, Manchester M3 2EG

10:30 Introduction discussion
11:30 Beta session 1
12:30 Break for pizza (social chats with wider GPFS dev team in Manchester)
13:30 Beta session 2
14:45 Group discussion and feedback
15:30 End

Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Please register in advance with Claire Robson, GPFS User Group Secretary via email GPFS UG Secretary

We hope to see you there!

GPFS UG 2015 Announced


We are happy to announce the 2015 GPFS User Group Meeting will be on Wednesday 20th May.

This year we are aligned with SPXXL to enable many of our common members to attend both events easily. Our thanks go to the SPXXL board and IBM GPFS Team who have helped make this happen.

To attend please email Claire Robson, GPFS UG Secretary by 1st May.

Please include your name, job title, organisation, telephone and any dietary requirements so we can register your place.

Places are limited and are stricly first come first served.

The event agenda will follow shortly.


York Racecourse Hospitality
York Racecourse
YO23 1EX
United Kingdom

See you there.

GPFS: Meet the Devs

Hello all

Our first Meet the GPFS Developers ‘coffee shop’ meet is in a few weeks.

This is an opportunity to see what the developers are working on and to chat directly with them in a small intimate group. 11 places are available.

Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Date: 18th February 2015
Time: 11:00 – 14:00
Location: IBM Southbank, London, SE1 9PZ

To attend, please register your interest to the GPFS UG Secretary

Full directions to Southbank will be sent to confirmed attendees.