Performance Round Table – Round Two

On January 12th, Paul Roberts, Patrick Byrne, Sophie Carsten and I ran a second iteration of performance talks with a small subset of UK Spectrum Scale users. As Paul covered in a previous post, the goal of the meeting was to have an informal chat with these users to gain insights on how they use their clusters, what issues they have concerning their cluster’s performance, and what we can do to help improve the product. We met in the IBM Manchester Development Lab, which allowed us to have developers from the performance, install and upgrade, and system health teams available to discuss the product.

As is the case with all Spectrum Scale User Group meetings, the participants were very happy and open to discuss their Spectrum Scale deployments with us. Since the meeting was designed to be an open and free-flowing meeting, there were a few issues raised by the users and our conversations ebbed and flowed from there.

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Performance Roundtable

Last Friday (25th Sept) Rick Welp and I held an informal “Spectrum Scale Performance” roundtable (although for the sake of transparency I must admit that the table was more rectangular than round). The chosen venue was IBM Southbank which neither of us had previously had the pleasure of visiting. The idea was to get together with a small number of GPFS/Spectrum Scale power users
and take advantage of their years of experience to gain insight into the kind of real world issues they deal with and more importantly what we can do to help mitigate them.

To add to that the idea of this post is to share some of the topics we discussed with the wider community and hopefully generate further discussion/ideas. We will look to hold another session, probably in Manchester, in the not too distant future and will be looking for willing participants.

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mmperfmon query

The new Spectrum Scale has been out for a few weeks now, so I think I should introduce a new function that’s been added for the purpose of performance monitoring.
Some of you may remember the performance monitor that comes with GSS. Its now been added to Spectrum Scale, and is recording various metrics for GPFS, Object, NFS, and SMB (depending on what you have installed). It will start automatically for some metrics (there are other more complex ones that can be enabled). So here’s a few variations to introduce the new command to look at the metrics being gathered.

mmperfmon query Metric[,Metric....]  |  Key[,Key...]  | NamedQuery  [StartTime EndTime | Duration] [ options ]


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