Join the Spectrum Scale user group for a meeting at this year’s Supercomputing conference.
Date: Sunday, November 13th 2016
Location: Grand Ballroom Salon F, Salt Lake City Downtown Marriott, 75 SW Temple Street, Salt Lake City UT 84101 (Reception Following: Salon E)
12:30-12:40 Welcome
12:40-12:50 Overview
12:50-13:35 The latest in IBM Spectrum Scale and ESS
13:55-14:20 NASA Goddard: Big Data in HPC
14:20-14:45 Nuance: Tiering to Object Storage
14:45-15:15 – Break –
15:15-15:30 Sponsor Talk: TOPIC TBD (NetApp)
13:35-13:55 Virginia Tech ARC: SANDisk IF150 (IBM DeepFlash 150)
15:30-15:50 NASA Goddard: Monitoring with Grafana and InfluxDB
15:50-16:35 Spectrum Scale Enhancements for CORAL
16:35-17:20 News from IBM Research
17:20-17:30 Closing
[Meeting followed by cocktail reception sponsored by NetApp]
Registration Web Site:
IBM summary page:
Questions? Comments? Please let us know. We hope to see many of you next month.