Spectrum Scale User Group (Australia) Meeting

Venue: Pullman Hotel, Albert Park, Melbourne (in conjunction with eResearch Australia Conference)

Date: Friday 14th October 2016.

To register your place please visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/spectrumscale-user-group-australia-gpfsugaus-tickets-26814516942?ref=enivtefor001&invite=MTA1MDg1MTkvY2hyaXMuc2NobGlwYWxpdXNAaXZlYy5vcmcvMA%3D%3D&utm

Thanks to DDN for supporting this event. IBM representatives will be at the meeting to cover various topics, and open dialogue between IBM and customers will be encouraged. As is the culture of the group, no marketing or sales pitches!


8:30am – 4:30pm
– Introduction by Dr Neil Stringfellow, Executive Director, Pawsey SuperComputing Centre (Perth). – Day overview, OHS matters etc

  • Speakers: IBM – SpectrumScale Roadmap