Event report: SSUG @SCA18

What a great start to new Spectrum Scale usergroups in Singapore, held at Supercomputing Asia at Resorts World Convention Centre.
There were a range of attendees, from private and public organisations, from Managing Directors to HPC Specialists and System Administrators, attending from countries pan-Asia-Pacific – India to China and Japan, to New Zealand and Australia.

As the conference theme and stream included AI and Data Analytics and Machine Learning, we had quite a few developers and sys admins who run various analytics workload on scale, but are looking to see what is new.

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Piloting a new RFE process

We’ve been talking with product management about the RFE process and have agreed that we’ll try out a community-voting process.

First up, we are piloting this idea, hopefully it will work out, but it may also need tweaks as we move forward.

One of the things we’ve been asking for is for a better way for the Spectrum Scale user group community to vote on RFEs. Sure we get people posting to the list, but we’re looking at if we can make it a better/more formal process to support this. Talking with IBM, we also recognise that with a large number of RFEs, it can be difficult for them to track work tasks being completed, but with the community RFEs, there is a commitment to try and track them closely and report back on progress later in the year.

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We are champions!

I’m really pleased to annIBM Champion web badgeounce that a bunch of us running the Spectrum Scale user group have been announced as IBM Champions! 2018 is the first year that Storage has had IBM champions and it’s great that the five people involved in Spectrum Scale user events around the world have been accepted into the programme for our work with the community in 2017.


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CIUK Event Report

Well that’s it for the user group in 2017! The last event of the year was held as part of Computing Insights UK (CIUK) in Manchester this week. CIUK is a much smaller event that SC or ISC, but its where the user group’s roots are. In fact, the user group on 12th December 2017, was the 7th birthday of the group which held its first meeting (of about 8 people) at MEW (the forerunner of CIUK).

Since then the group has grown, and whilst the CIUK meeting is never as large as the main events, we still had 20-30 attendees.

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Spectrum Scale User Group Singapore

The inaugural Spectrum Scale Usergroup Singapore will feature a number of Spectrum Scale (GPFS) experts presenting on a wide variety of topics on Spectrum Scale.

Date: Monday 26th March 2018

Venue: Resorts World Sentosa, Singapore

This event aims to provide you with the opportunity to hear the latest Spectrum Scale updates from the filesystem and storage experts as well as hear from other users and technical experts on their experiences and uses of Spectrum Scale.

If you have questions to ask when you attend, you can email the organiser or prepare them for the day and the open session in the morning.

Please register your intention to attend: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/spectrum-scale-user-group-singapore-march-2018-tickets-40429354287

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