Just in time for the weekend, IBM have released an eBook as an introduction to how GPFS can be applied to the world of SDS.
You can grab the PDF here
Kudos: The Register
Independent User group for users, VARs, BPs and developers of Spectrum Scale
Just in time for the weekend, IBM have released an eBook as an introduction to how GPFS can be applied to the world of SDS.
You can grab the PDF here
Kudos: The Register
New code-named Elastic Storage is a proven, scalable, high-performance data and file management solution (based upon GPFS technology) that’s being used extensively across multiple industries worldwide. Elastic Storage provides simplified data management and integrated information lifecycle tools capable of managing petabytes of data and billions of files, in order to arrest the growing cost of managing ever growing amounts of data.
User Group 10 presentations are now available under the
Presentations section.
Come and join us for the 10th GPFS User Group
Date: 29th April 2014
Location: IBM Southbank Client Centre, London, UK
It is free to attend.
10:30 Arrivals and refreshments
11:00 Introductions and committee updates
Jez Tucker, Group Chair & Claire Robson,
Group Secretary
11:05 GPFS 4.1
Scott Fadden, IBM GPFS Technical Marketing
12:15 GPFS Performance (Basics)
Sven Oehme, IBM Scalable Storage Research
13:00 Lunch (provided)
13:45 GPFS Performance (Advanced)
Sven Oehme, IBM Scalable Storage Research
14:45 Refreshments break
15:05 Numascale
Robin Harker, Numscale
15:35 GSS User Case Study
Indulis Bernsteins, IBM Storage System Architect
16:00 Group discussion: Questions & Committee matters
Led by Jez Tucker, Group Chairperson
16:05 Close
Please register for a place via email to : secretary@gpfsug.org
Places are likely to be in high demand so register early.
Come and join us for the 10th GPFS User Group
Date: 29th April 2014
Location: IBM Southbank Client Centre, London, UK
With technical presentations on:
– GPFS 4.1
– Performance Tuning
Please register for a place via email to : secretary@gpfsug.org
Places are likely to be in high demand so register