UK May 2017 User Group: Registration

We’re flattered that we’ve seen some advertising us as the Global Spectrum Scale user group event, and its great that we’re doing well. This year’s event will be bigger than ever with space for up to 200 attendees, we’ve had to move out of IBM Client Centre in South Bank and are heading north to Manchester!

The UK Spring user group will take place over two days on 9th and 10th May 2017 at the Macdonald Manchester Hotel, Manchester. We’d like to thank IBM and our sponsors for supporting the event and the evening networking/social event on the evening of 9th May 2017.

As usual, we will have a packed agenda with speakers from the IBM development teams, user talks as well as technical talks from our sponsors.

The hotel where the event is taking place has reserved a limited number of rooms for the night before the event (8th May) and the night of the event (9th May). The rates are £115 B&B and £145 B&B per room per night respectively and if anyone wishes to book they can call the hotel 0344 879 9088 and quote code OCFP090517 to benefit from these rates. Please ensure you have confirmed your ticket via the registration page before booking your hotel room.

The agenda for the day is a bit further down the page and we are looking for users to do a short presentation on their use of Spectrum Scale/GPFS. Please contact us if you’d like to volunteer. These are often the most valuable talks of the event so please don’t be shy!


We’d very much like to thank the following sponsors for supporting the user group meeting by providing funding to support the evening social event:


Media Sponsor:


Day 1 – 9th May 2017

09:00 – 10:00 Registration & Networking
10:00 – 10:30 Opening & Welcome – Simon Thompson (UG), Michael Daubman (IBM)
10:30 – 11:20 Spectrum Scale Update – Ulf Troppens (IBM)
11:20 – 11:40 ESS Update – Christopher Maestas (IBM)
11:40 – 12:00 Sponsor Talk 1 – Ellexus: Catching rogue jobs before they overload shared storage: an I/O profiling case study – Dr. Rosemary Francis
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch & Networking
13:00 – 13:20 Customer Talk – “The UK Research Data Facility” – Kieran Leach (EPCC)
13:20 – 13:40 Sponsor Talk 2 – DDN: AFM Case Studies – Vic Cornell
13:40 – 14:30 Spectrum Scale Cloud Deployments – Christopher Maestas (IBM)
14:30 – 14:50 Licensing – Carl Zetie (IBM)
14:50 – 15:20 Coffee and Networking
15:20 – 15:40 Sponsor Talk 3 – Arcastream: Automated Data Curation and Discovery with Spectrum Scale and ArcaStream – Jez Tucker & Barry Evans
15:40 – 16:30 Problem Determination – Simon Lorenz (IBM)
16:30 – 17:20 Best Practices – Olaf Weiser (IBM)
17:50 – 18:00 Wrap up
18:00 Finish
19:00 Evening Social Event, drinks and food – Manchester Museum of Science and Industry

Day 2 – 10th May 2017

08:30 – 09:00 Coffee and Networking
09:00 – 10:00 Parallel Breakout/workshop session 1

  • Integration with Spectrum Protect for Backup – Fabian Kulhl (IBM)
  • Docker Support / Update on metadata sizing – Olaf Weiser (IBM), Indulis Bernsteins (IBM)
  • CES Authentication / Spectrum Scale Security (Meet the Devs) – Sandeep Ramesh (IBM)
10:00 – 11:00 Parallel Breakout/workshop session 2

  • Introduction to AFM and Use Cases – Nils Haustein (IBM)
  • Object, SwiftHLM and OpenStack (cloud) – Sandeep Ramesh (IBM), Simon Lorenz (IBM)
  • GUI and REST API (Meet the Devs) – Alexander Wolf (IBM)
11:00 – 12:00 Parallel Breakout/workshop session 3

  • Automation of Storage Services – Nils Haustein (IBM)
  • Container and Virtualisation support (Cloud) – John Lewars (IBM)
  • HDFS Support (Meet the Devs) – Piyush Chaudrhary (IBM)
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch & Networking
13:00 – 13:20 Sponsor Talk 4 – Mellanox: RoCE and Spectrum Scale – RDMA support and performance over Ethernet – Darren Harkins
13:20 – 13:40 Customer Talk – AFM Migration – The road to perdition – Mark Roberts (AWE) & Laurence Horrocks-Barlow (OCF)
13:40 – 14:00 Sponsor Talk 5 – Seagate: Accelerating Spectrum Scale with an Intelligent IO Manager – Ray Coetzee
14:00 – 14:20 Customer Talk – TBC
14:20 – 14:50 Coffee and Networking
14:50 – 16:00 Research Topics – Sven Oehme (IBM)
16:00 – 16:30 Wrap-up and feedback – Simon Thompson (UG), Michael Daubman (IBM)
16:30 Finish


To register for this year’s event, please use our EventBrite event page at:

Registration is now open.

Please note that we are currently limiting registrations to 3 per organisation to ensure as many organisations as possible are able to attend and places are strictly limited due to room capacity. We will be operating a wait list, so if you can’t get a ticket now, then we’ll hold details in case they become available nearer the date.

We look forward to seeing you in May!

Save the date! SSUG UK

Please save the date for a two-day user group meeting in Manchester, UK.

Date: Tuesday 9th & Wednesday 10th May 2017 Venue: Central Manchester, UK

Details of the agenda and for registration will follow here very shortly and via the Spectrum Scale user group mailing list.

SSUG USA 2017 – April 4-5th, Berkeley, Ca – Registration now open!

Registration for the Spring Spectrum Scale User group meeting is now open. It’s April 4th-5th at NERSC in Berkeley, Ca. Agenda details will be filled in soon, but we have 2 full days of talks:

Tuesday, April 4th

09:00-10:00 Registration/Coffee/Networking
10:00-10:30 Welcome - Bob Oesterlin, Kristy Kallback, Doris Conti 
10:30-11:30 Spectrum Scale & ESS Update - Scott Fadden/Puneet Chaudhary
11:30-12:30 Problem Avoidance - Best Practices in the Field - IBM Support
12:30-13:30 Lunch and Networking
13:30-15:30 Problem Determination - Deep Dive - Yuri Volobuev
15:30-16:00 Break/Networking
16:00-17:00 Problem Determination - What's New? - Matthias Dietz
17:00-18:00 Bring your favorite problem or performance issue. We will fix it now!

Wednesday April 5th

08:30-09:00 Coffee and Networking
09:00-10:00 Transparent Cloud Tiering - Introduction and Use Cases (Meet the Devs) - Nikhil Khandelwal or Rob Basham, Life Sciences and Next Generation Sequencing with Spectrum Scale (Solutions)

10:00-11:00 AFM - Introduction and Use Cases (Meet the Devs) - Scott Fadden, Spectrum Protect on Spectrum Scale (Solutions) - Jason Basler
11:00-12:00 Meet the Devs - IBM Development, Hadoop Integration and Support for HortonWorks HDP (Solutions) - Ted Hoover
12:00-13:00 Lunch and Networking
13:00-13:20 Customer/Partner Talk
13:20-13:40 Customer/Partner Talk
13:40-14:00 Customer/Partner Talk
14:00-14:30 Break
14:30-15:00 Challenges in Tracing - Vasily Tarasov
15:00-15:30 Application Integration with Containers - Dean Hildebrand
15:30-16:00 Wrap up - Bob Oesterlin, Kristy Kallback, Doris Conti 

We have a few open slots for short (20 min) user presentations – let us know if you are interested.

Space is limited and sign-up deadline is March 24th! Sign up early.

Look forward to seeing you there!

Bob Oesterlin and Kristy Kallback-Rose, SSUG USA Co-principals

Spectrum Scale User Meeting – March 8+9 , 2017 – Ehningen, Germany

There is an IBM organized Spectrum Scale User Meeting in Germany. Though, agenda and spirit are very close to the user group organized events. Conference language is German. This is a two-day event. There is an introduction day for Spectrum Scale beginners a day before on March 7.

Please register, if you plan to join:

Introduction day:


Mittwoch – 8. März 2017
09:00-10:00 Anmeldung und Networking
10:00-10:30 Begrüßung
10:30-11:10 Spectrum Scale Update
11:10-11:40 ESS Update
11:40-12:00 Bosch: SAP HANA auf ESS
12:00-13:00 Mittagessen und Networking
13:00-13:25 NEC: Spectrum Scale beim Deutschen Wetterdienst
13:25-13:45 Deutsche Bank: Leistungsoptimierung für Risk Management
13:45-14:05 m.a.x. it: SmartStorage – Software Defined Storage für mixed Workloads
14:05-14:25 DDN: AFM Use Cases
14:25-14:45 DESY: Transparent Cloud Tiering Proof-of-Concept
14:45-15:15 Kaffee und Networking
15:15-15:45 Tape & Spectrum Scale
15:45-16:05 Kundenvortrag: Flexibler Speicher für Spectrum Protect
16:05-16:50 Problem Determination
16:50-17:50 Bericht aus Kundenprojekten
17:50-18:00 Meet the Devs
18:00-20:00 Get Together

Donnerstag – 9. März 2017
08:30-09:00 Kaffee und Networking
09:00-10:00 1. Breakout Session
1) Spectrum Archive und Spectrum Scale ILM (Einführung)
2) Lizensierung und TCOnow
3) GUI und REST API (Meet the Devs)
10:00-11:00 2. Breakout Session
1) Hadoop Integration (Einführung); Immutability (Einführung)
2) Spectrum Protect Integration (Fortgeschrittene)
3) NFS und SMB (Meet the Devs)
11:00-12:00 3. Breakout Session+
1) AFM (Einführung); Einsatz von AFM bei CSI
2) Automation von Storage Services (Fortgeschrittene)
3) Object und SwiftHLM (Meet the Devs)
12:00-13:00 Mittagessen und Networking
13:00-13:25 SVA: Ein Einblick in HPC @ Bosch
13:25-13:45 Mellanox: Warum eigentlich High Speed Interconnect?
13:45-14:05 Lenovo: Distributed Storage Solution (DSS) for Spectrum Scale
14:05-14:30 Kaffee und Networking
14:30-15:30 Bericht von IBM Almaden Storage Research
15:30-16:00 Abschlussdiskussion

Save the Date! SSUG USA 2017

Please save the date for a two-day user group meeting at NERSC in Berkeley, California.

Date: April 4-5, 2017
Venue: National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center ( Berkeley, California, USA

Details of the agenda and for registration will follow shortly here and via the Spectrum Scale user group mailing list.