SSUG::Digital: 006 – Persistent Storage for Kubernetes and OpenShift environments

Digital Event

This episode will discuss the Spectrum Scale Container Storage Interface (CSI). CSI is a standard for exposing arbitrary block and file storage systems to containerized workloads on container orchestration systems like Kubernetes and OpenShift. Spectrum Scale CSI provides your containers fast access to files stored in Spectrum Scale with capabilities such as dynamic provisioning of

SSUG::Digital: 007 – Manage the lifecycle of your files using the policy engine

Digital Event

This episode will provide a comprehensive introduction to the IBM Spectrum Scale policy engine. It highlights the underlying architecture and how policies are executed in a IBM Spectrum Scale cluster. This episode also discusses example rules and policies facilitating Information Lifecycle Management accompanied with practical tips.   Download slides here References Whitepaper: IBM Spectrum Scale

SSUG::Digital: 008 – Scalable multi-node training for AI workloads on NVIDIA DGX, Red Hat OpenShift and IBM Spectrum Scale

Digital Event

Nvidia and IBM did a complex proof-of-concept to demonstrate the scaling of AI workload using Nvidia DGX, Red Hat OpenShift and IBM Spectrum Scale at the example of ResNet-50 and the segmentation of images using the Audi A2D2 dataset. The project team published an IBM Redpaper with all the technical details and will present the

SC20 Meeting (Session 1): Storage for AI

The Spectrum Scale user group meets annually at the SC conference. For 2020 the user group will be split into two 90 minute digital sessions. The second session will be on Wednesday Nov 18th, 11 am EST >> Session 2: What is new in Spectrum Scale 5.1? << This session will focus on Storage for

SSUG::Digital: 009 – Deep Thought: An AI Project for Autonomous Driving Development

Digital Event

Continental, a tier-1 automotive supplier, runs a new high-performance cluster based on NVIDIA DGX, IBM Spectrum Scale and IBM ESS to boost autonomous driving development performance. Continental uses this system for deep learning, simulation, virtual data generation and related workloads. The new cluster reduces development time from weeks to hours. Speakers from Continental and the