Save the Date! SSUG USA 2017

Please save the date for a two-day user group meeting at NERSC in Berkeley, California.

Date: April 4-5, 2017
Venue: National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center ( Berkeley, California, USA

Details of the agenda and for registration will follow shortly here and via the Spectrum Scale user group mailing list.

Spectrum Storage Sweden User Group Meeting #6

 The Spectrum Storage Sweden User Group Meeting #6 is an IBM hosted event which includes a track on IBM Spectrum Scale. Here is the report which was sent by Mathias Persson Ölander.

For the 6th time we had the opportunity to host a Spectrum Storage User Group meeting in Sweden. It’s the evolution of the classic Tivoli User Group (Spectrum Protect), now including the full Spectrum Storage portfolio (with a focus on Spectrum Virtualize, Spectrum Control, Spectrum Scale and Spectrum Protect). 150+ attendees joined the meeting at IBM on November 16-17th from all of Sweden, a few guys from Norway and our international speakers from every corner of the world including New Zealand.

Continue reading “Spectrum Storage Sweden User Group Meeting #6”

Spectrum Scale Users Group at Supercomputing – November 2016

First off, your feedback, please! If you were at the event, please give us feedback here: We’ve only heard from 9 attendees so far, and there were a lot more of you there :-).

The slides should be available soon here:

Kicking Things Off

This was the second year for a Spectrum Scale Users Group meeting at SC. To start things off Doris Conti welcomed the group and reminded us that the IBMers are here to present, but to also listen to users’ experiences —the good, the bad, (the ugly? 🙂 ) how Spectrum Scale is being used in the field and what should be coming in the product next from the users’ perspective. Doris complimented what she called the heroes of the data centers, the people managing PBs of data short-, if not, single-handedly. The developers then introduced themselves so people could talk to them at the break or during the week. Continue reading “Spectrum Scale Users Group at Supercomputing – November 2016”

Wrap-up of the first Spectrum Scale User Group in Australia – October 2016

Ah wonderful Melbourne, I haven’t been in Melbourne for a few years but it doesn’t seem to change that much, still a nice place to enjoy.

It was quite a long flight from Perth but all went smoothly with the event thanks to efforts by Justin Glen from DDN (sponsoring organisation) and Scott Fadden – IBM (sponsoring organisation).

So after a great catch-up dinner and chat with Scott Fadden and other attendees such as Suda from Mellanox and Justin from DDN, it was off to bed for an early start for check-ins the next morning (fortunately I ran the desk alongside a great coffee or two – Melbourne is definitely the place for coffee).

Continue reading “Wrap-up of the first Spectrum Scale User Group in Australia – October 2016”

Spectrum Scale User Group (Australia) Meeting – Sydney April 2017

Location: Sydney, NSW | Level 13, IBM Centre
Thursday, April 27, 2017 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (AEST)

Registrations for this event will be opened when details are firmed up in January (we hope to include free tickets for a sponsored drinks or dinner for networking).

Please mark it in your calendar!

Many thanks to IBM and Mellanox for supporting this event in Sydney.

IBM representatives will be at the meeting to cover various topics, and open dialogue between IBM and customers will be encouraged. As is the culture of the group, no marketing or sales pitches!

The agenda is currently being finalised, but included in the day will be technical presentations by Mellanox and we hope to potentially include a Meet the Devs event in the afternoon.

There will be some networking opportunities to meet with your Australian colleagues.
If you have requests for finer detail on areas you wish to be covered or if you indeed wish to present ,please either post to the Spectrum Scale mailing list or feel contact me at or at my organisation email