Monday Nov 18
Hyatt Regency Denver At the Colorado Convention Center
1:00 – 5:00 Centennial E – (Light refreshments served)
Title: WW GPFS User Forum
1:00 Welcome and Formalities,
Andrew Dean, GPFS User Group and Dave McDonnell, IBM
1:15 ANL’s GPFS GSS Storage System, William Allcock, Argonne Leadership Computing Facility
1:45 GPFS Update, Scott Fadden, IBM
2:30 Break Refreshments
2:45 GSS Update, Matt Drahzal, IBM
3:30 NCAR’s GLADE GPFS Environment, Pamela Gillman, NCAR Computational Information Sciences Laboratory
4:00 GPFS Roadmap (NDA Required), Krystal Rothaupt, IBM (Session Moved to Centennial D for SPXXL Joint NDA Session)
4:45 Joint Reception with SPXXL